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Hello Everyone!

If you have already seen my lovely fundraising bar at the top of this blog, then you are well aware that I am FULLY FUNDED for the rest of my race! But let me tell you, it was not all sunshine and roses. If you know me, then you know that fundraising, or asking anybody for anything, is about 28356292659 miles outside of my comfort zone. But guess what?? It happened! God provided! So let me preface this post by saying that this blog is not about providing tips and tricks for fundraising. This blog is about God’s provision in the crazy, unlikely, and seemingly impossible circumstances, and about what I learned in the process.

Lesson 1: Just Say Yes (Even If It Seems Crazy)

My fundraising journey began the day I told my parents about the race. In October of 2015, I sat my parents down with the news that this was something I felt God calling me to pursue. Aside from the usual parental concerns (“You’re doing what? For how long? What about a job?…”), one of the main points they brought up was the crazy amount of money we had to raise. But despite my aversion to fundraising and all it entails, I knew that God was calling me to pursue this. And somehow my parents ended up jumping on board, their skepticism still in tact.

Lesson 2: Celebrate His Provision!

If you have followed me since the beginning, then you know that I was originally supposed to leave in January of 2017. I began fundraising the year before with a lot of enthusiasm, and God provided! I began telling friends and family about the trip and I had many people jump on board immediately to support. I’d say that I reached $1,000 very quickly. How awesome is that?!?! But as I began to check my fundraising status every day, and the donations began to slow, I began to focus more on the the amount I still needed to raise, rather than on what God has already provided.

I’m not telling you to ignore that number still needed for your fundraising, but look more to what God has already done, celebrate those victories, and TRUST that more WILL come! God is not limited by deadlines. He has an endless supply of resources. And $1,000 is stinking amazing! Heck, $5 is stinking amazing! After my grandpa passed, I found a sticky note of truth he left behind from his studies that said, “Reflecting on God’s faithfulness in the past brings hope for the future.” If He has called You to something, He WILL provide.


Lesson 3: Invite People in!

When I first began fundraising, I had this ridiculous notion that I was bothering people by asking for their support. I viewed fundraising as a burden, thus I was scared to ask individuals to partner with me. But here’s the thing, one cannot go, without first being sent. These calls are different, but are equally necessary in the spreading of the gospel. Paul writes in Romans 10:14-15, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are SENT? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’”


I would not be on the field right now if not for the support and partnership of friends, family, and individuals at home. And many times, when someone would give, they would tell me that it wasn’t their money anyway. It was God’s to give. Which brings me to my next lesson…

Lesson 4: Fundraising Is Not So Much About Asking People, As It Is About Asking God

If you are fundraising for anything, I highly recommend reading, The God Ask by Steve Shadrach. In His book, He talks about fundraising as being more about asking God, than people. We turn to God, our Provider, to provide where He has called, and act and ask trusting that He will provide. This trip isn’t only about me, or even about the people I’m being sent to, it’s also about all the people who have partnered with me in this trip and ultimately, about our God who orchestrates everything and who brought all of us together. How cool is that?!

Lesson 5: Have Patience and Trust His Timing

Remember how I told you that I was originally supposed to leave in January of last year? Well that obviously didn’t happen and fundraising was actually a big factor in that decision. I was about a month away from leaving, and I hadn’t received a donation in a while. I trusted that God could provide that amount in that time, but the lack of funds coming in caused me to reevaluate MY timing. I realized that I was rushing into this trip immediately after school. God had placed a desire on my heart for a different part of the world than where I was originally going. And God was calling me into a season of rest and preparation after school, rather than an immediate journey out of the country for a year.

I didn’t make the decision to wait another 8 months because I didn’t have the funds needed. I believed then and I believe now that God would have provided that money easily if He wanted to. But it did help me to slow down and reevaluate everything before I left, ultimately leading me to leave in August on the Expedition route.

Lesson 6: Comparison is Stupid

Most World Racers fundraise for a few months to a year before they’re fully funded. I fundraised for 23 months. 23. MONTHS. I started fundraising over a year before the people on my current squad, and most of them were fully funded before I was. I know that comparison is not how you’re supposed to evaluate your efforts, but man, that was not the easiest. Don’t get me wrong, I was and am SO excited about God’s provision for them, but I often found myself wondering what I was doing wrong and asking why it was taking me so long compared to everyone else. If you are in a similar boat, let me just say, STOP. THAT. RIGHT. NOW. There is no formula to fundraising. Things that didn’t work for me worked for others. Things that didn’t work for others worked for me. God also provided in the most unexpected moments. So what if it took me longer than most? God still provided for all of us!!! That is cause to celebrate!

Lesson 7: When Things Don’t Happen the Way You Want Them To, Trust That God Has a Better Way


Remember how my parents both gave fundraising $18000 as a reason against this trip initially? Well, God ended up using them more than anyone else to provide. I talk about this more in a previous blog, but a few days before one of my fundraising deadlines, I had a video call with my parents from the field, when they both told me that they would provide the money needed to meet that deadline at the time! However, the next day, my dad passed away very suddenly. I went home, unsure of what to do. My mom, for obvious reasons, did not make that donation and I wasn’t going to ask her to. But I asked God during that time, that if He wanted me to come back on the field, that He would open up every door so that I would know without a shadow of a doubt, that this was the right decision. Through the support of friends and family who came behind us, God provided over $5,000 in just two weeks! My parents did not make that donation, but the impact my daddy made on this earth and the support and ask of my momma provided even more. When my parents and I had that argument in October of 2015, God was already planning on using them to send me. Of course, I would take my daddy back in a heartbeat, but God’s timing is better than ours in that regard as well (something I have to tell myself everyday). And because of that decision to stay another 8 months, I was gifted with another 8 months at home with my daddy. He was probably the happiest he had been in a long time during that season. Even in loss, I see how much I gained during that time. Not only that, but I have seen God move in and through people more through this journey more than any other.

So, if you are discouraged in your own fundraising journey, or in any other endeavor you feel God is calling you to, I want to take time and tell you to trust in Him. He is not ignorant to your circumstances. His vision goes beyond our own. He always has a better way, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time.

If you are one of the ones who has supported me and partnered with me in this journey, I thank God so much for you. God has used you to share the gospel with people in 6 different countries thus far. He has used you to support organizations around the world that God is using for His great purpose. He has used you to bring freedom into my life, to teach me what it truly means to trust in him and to have faith, and to bring healing to lifelong and fresh wounds. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. God is doing amazing things through you.

Peace and Love,

4 responses to “An Adventure in Fundraising”

  1. Good Morning,
    Every time I read your blogs, I get tears in my eyes.
    You are such a special person. I know your parents are proud of you and your dad has a smile on his face looking down on you from heaven.
    Keep doing what you are doing. Be safe! Keep spreading Gods word.